Our Shelties are a huge part of our family. After a few years of owning this beautiful breed, they become our passion for life.
What they need
Though they look like a high maintenance dog, they are surprisingly easy to care for. One look at the coat has many thinking a daily bath may be in order to keep them looking so good. But the fact is all they need is a regular brushing that is preceding by a light misting of water on their coat.
Shetland sheepdogs are known for their gentle, sweet, pleasing personality. They are also playful and affectionate, all traits that have made them a popular family pet. Shelties like to please; coupled with their intelligence, it is no wonder they excel at obedience training.
Coat Colours
Sable & White
Blue Merle
Black & White
Black & Tan
Fun facts
They’re loyal
and affectionate with their family but can be reserved toward strangers. (Bonus: This trait makes them
excellent watchdogs—like an alarm system that likes to cuddle).
Personaly I think there is no other breed which is so universal and good for children in all ages. Shetland sheepdogs are not to big, they are about 33-39cm high. Although their beautiful rich fur they are very easy to maintain. This specific breed could be recommended to anybody from first time owner, autistic kids or people with disabilities as they are also used for dogotherapy. It is worth to mention they adapt very well in any living conditions like: homes/flats/small apartments,
very active people or totally opposite...sofa people.